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Faculty Services Guide: Teaching Resources

A guide to services provided to the University of Richmond Law School faculty by the Muse Law Library and by other entities within the Law School.

Blackboard Sites

Faculty Resources Blackboard/Teaching

  • Law School Teaching in General
  • Teaching Techniques
  • Learning Style and Multiple Intelligences
  • Resilience Training and Grit
  • Generational Differences
  • Passive v. Active Learning
  • Learning Outcomes/Assessment/Feedback
  • Faculty Evaluation
  • Learning Environment/Culture
  • Experiential Learning/Skills
  • Using Technology in Teaching
  • Subject Matter Areas
  • Using Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Organizations, Blogs, Projects, and Conferences


Creating Free Course Materials

Faculty who are interested in creating free and open access course materials for their classes have several options. The following resources are suitable for creating and sharing course content:

  • Create and share in Microsoft Word or as PDF
  • Google Docs
  • LawCarta

Also refer to the LibGuide, Low Cost & Open Source Textbooks. This guide highlights tools for finding, using, creating, and publishing your own OERs, and includes suggested OERs for 1L and upper-level doctrinal courses. Faculty who are interested in creating free and open access course materials can contact the library for Technology and resource support for these services. We also have a wealth of content that is already free for student use and available for incorporation into your course plans.