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Computer Law

Computer law research guide, including intellectual property topics of copyright, patents, and trademarks, as well as legal aspects of technology, e-commerce and internet law and regulations

Books about Scholarly and Academic Writing

Resources Generally

A.L.R. - browse the table of contents in some recent volumes. Available on the basement level of the Law Library before the U.S. Reports

Westlaw and/or LexisNexis: use these sources to browse the law review databases, or use the law review and journal indices available at the Law Library website.

Sources and Techniques for Finding Potential Topic

  • Ask an expert - You've probably already had a conversation with Professor Cotropia. Also, if you know lawyers in law firms, goverment agencies, or public interest and advocacy organizations, those lawyers might be able to advise you. 
  • Browse general legal news sources like the ones listed below.

Browse general legal blogs