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Computer Law

Computer law research guide, including intellectual property topics of copyright, patents, and trademarks, as well as legal aspects of technology, e-commerce and internet law and regulations

Primary Law

  • Statutes for individual states (as appropriate) and federal statutes, using print resources in the Law Library or online access via LexisNexis and Westlaw. 
  • Cheryl Rae Nyberg, Subject Compilations of State Laws (1981-present; available online via Hein Online as well. Use subject headings such as "Computer crime," "Copyright," "Computers," and "Computer programs" to locate references to law review articles, books, etc. where you can find citations to state statutes. 
  • Shepard's Acts and Cases by Popular Names: Federal and State (see popular names of state acts under headings such as "Computer Crimes Act" and "Computer Security Act," "Computer Fraud Act," etc.